
Blue Ribbon Water - Analysis


Amesbury water is NOT HARD. Therefore, a water softer is purely optional. You will get some benefit, but typically not a value for the money.


PFAS6 legal limit remains 20 parts per trillion in Massachusetts . AmesburyPFAS6 is 5.9 ppt. Although currently under the MA DEP 20 ppt threshold, it is above the proposed Fed EPA standard of 4 ppt. PFAS/PFOA filters are unnecessary at this time.


Fluoride has been reduced in many municipalities and Amesbury has eliminated Fluoride altogether. . The EPA recommends no higher than 4 mg/L. Fluoride removal is not necessary in Amesbury.


Amesbury’s water is not extremely dirty. However the city is still plagued by silt and sediment and manganese buildup in our very old street pipes. It is evident in the dirty filters we remove from almost every house. Sediment filtration is highly recommended.

Total TTHM

TTHM (Total Trihalomethanes) is a combination of several chemicals that are byproducts from the Chlorine disinfecting process. They are suspected carcinogens and are regulated by the Federal EPA. The two major components are Trihalomethanes [THM] (MCL=80 mg/L) and Halo acidic Acids. (MCL = 60 mg/L). All towns have struggled with TTHMs this past summer, and as of Q3, Amesbury is well above the EPA max legal limit. Our activated carbon based filters will remove these toxins. Read more about disinfectant Byproducts here: